Norway, Cadastres, 1886
207,765 записів
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Пошук у Norway, Cadastres, 1886
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Norway, Cadastres, 1886
207 765 записів
This collection includes registration lists of farmers and their properties from 1886. The records include information on the qualities and ownership of the land, such as county, parish, farm name and number, name of owner, value of the property, and tax information. The collection covers all the counties of Norway, excluding Finnmark and the city counties of Bergen and Oslo.<br><br>After the 1838 cadastre, there was further reform to the system that was reflected in the 1886 farm cadastre (gårdsmatrikkel). Farms were identified by the townships/municipalities (kommune), cadastral number (matrikkelnummer), and farm name (gårdsnavn) and number (gårdsnummer). Each sub-farm or parcel (bruk) received a sub-number (løpennummer), for example: 143a, 143b, etc. The cadastral debt was recorded in daler, ort, shillings, and marks. (1 skyldmark = 100 øre)
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