France, Legion of Honour
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France, Legion of Honour
366 331 записів
The National Order of the Legion of Honour is the highest civilian and military order of merit in France. Established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, it has been continuously maintained by all later French regimes and governments. This collection contains information on individuals accepted into the Legion of Honour since 1802 and who died before 1977. The index contains members’ names, birth places, and birth years. Additional details found on each record’s associated image can include full birth date, full death date, residence address, and information on their nomination to the Order.<br><br><p>The original files are kept in the Archives Nationales or at the Grand Chancery of the Legion of Honour.</p><br><p>This collection was added following MyHeritage's acquisition of Filae.</p>
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Louis BachelierBorn: Mar 11 1870
Louis Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Bachelier was a French mathematician at the turn of the 20th century. He is credited with being the first person to model the stochastic process now called Brownian motion.