Queensland School Pupils Index, Part 5
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Queensland School Pupils Index, Part 5
450 744 записів
This collection contains names of pupils from 171 schools in Queensland, Australia. Dates range from 1866 to 2003. Schools range from large city ones with admissions in the thousands to country one-teacher schools with a total enrolment of hundreds. Some schools have long ceased to exist; others are still functioning.<br><br>Sources from which the names are drawn are diverse—actual school admission registers, school histories covering a significant anniversary (Jubilee, Golden, Centenary) in the life of a school, and local histories which don't focus on the school but include a pupil list as part of their story. Many of the original sources provide additional information on the family including age at admission, birth date, parent's name and occupation, religion, and address. Schools are a source we cannot afford to overlook!<br><br>Fields indexed:<br><br>Surname: Pupils name - spelling may differ from known ones - check all variants.<br><br>Given name: As taken from the source document, usually full given name, sometimes first name followed by initial. In some cases the given name was not listed or could not be deciphered.<br><br>School Name: The name of the school at which the pupil was enrolled.<br><br>Date: Date of admission is sometimes but not always supplied.<br><br>Year: Year of admission is usually given; sometimes when a register is missing, only a time period (for example, 1900-1927) is given.<br><br>Source Document: The document indexed—often this document will contain additional information which has not been indexed.<br><br>Reference: This field gives an identifier to allow location of the entry in the source document— the page number (or admission number if given) if the source document is a published book; an admission number, or left blank (the year is often enough to locate the item) if the source document is an admission register.<br><br>Queensland Family History Society Inc. aims to promote the study of family, and local history, genealogy, and heraldry, and to encourage the collection and preservation of records relating to the history of Queensland families. This collection was produced by Queensland Family History Society as a project supported by the Queensland government through its Q150 Community Funding Program. www.qfhs.org.au
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Lange Leopold PowellResidence: 1891 - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Architect Lange Leopold Powell is well-known for his design of many important buildings in Brisbane and Queensland, including St Martin’s War Memorial Hospital, and the Masonic Temple in Brisbane. This record shows Powell’s enrolment in May 1891—just two months prior to his 5th birthday—at the West End Infants’ State School in Brisbane.