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Генеалогічний посібник Евертона
29 237 записів
Everton's Genealogical Helper was a venerable trade magazine in the genealogical industry. It emphasized content, continuing education, and research resources, for both professional genealogists and amateur family history researchers. The content-heavy publication served as an industry bible for over 50 years.<br><br>Regular Features:<br>- Consistent Focus on Continuing Education<br>- Expanded Sections on Missing Ancestors and Family Members<br>- Articles by Previously Unpublished Writers (our readers)<br>- In-Depth Articles by Professionals<br>- Expanded Book Reviews<br>- Renewed Emphasis on Personal Connections/Introductions<br>- Comprehensive Coverage of Technological Advances in Digital and Online Research<br><br>Over 10,000 pages representing over 200 issues from 1947 to the present.<br><br>Sections (Current Issues):<br>- Editorial<br>- Our Readers Write (letters from readers)<br>- Germanic Research<br>- Beginner's Corner<br>- The Next Generation (Articles from younger researchers)<br>- New to Peruse<br>- Computer Helper<br>- Net Family History<br>- On the Bookshelf<br>- Bureau of Missing Ancestors<br>- On the Horizon<br>- Directory of Genealogical and Historical Societies Update<br>- Marketplace<br>- Surname Index<br>- Advertiser Index<br><br>Why This Database is Valuable: Within the Helper are feature articles that highlight what is going on within the industry, not simply what research one person has contributed to their ancestral developments, although it also contains those articles. Special features in the more-modern issues of the Helper are Internet Genealogy sections, books sent to Everton's for advertising of their publication, the Bureau of Missing Ancestors, a message board of queries concerning particular surnames, On the Horizon (upcoming events within the field - conferences and cruises, usually), current information on the contact information for societies of genealogical and historical nature, and a list of advertisers for the magazine. Do not overlook any of these, as the different sections help with separate areas of research.<br><br>Next Steps: Depending upon where the information was found will make a difference as to the steps for proceeding. If there is information found within a past article, trying to contact the author or using the resources listed within the article are a good next step. If the person contacted the Bureau of Missing Ancestors, trying to contact that person, or searching for them online via Google may help. Marketplace and Advertisers Index usually have contact information included within the listing, but their information may also be found from the White Pages and/or WorldCat. The magazine run contains over 10,000 pages representing over 200 issues from 1947 to 2006.<br><br>Copyright (c) Everton Publishers<br>PO Box 368<br>Logan Utah 84323-0368
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