United Kingdom, Police Gazette Army Deserters, 1828-1918
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Пошук у United Kingdom, Police Gazette Army Deserters, 1828-1918
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United Kingdom, Police Gazette Army Deserters, 1828-1918
566 547 записів
This collection contains records from the United Kingdom's Police Gazette about soldiers who deserted from the army between 1828 and 1918. The years covered in this collection include 1828-1845, 1858, 1880, 1885, 1898, and 1916-1918. Records typically include the name of the deserter, age, occupation, residence, and service information such as regiment, date and place of deserted and enlistment.<br><br>Desertion was a grave offense, and those found guilty faced court martial and possibly a death sentence, some deserters were never caught and went on to live their lives under an assumed name.<br><br>
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